Profile letter


Quick Overview

  • Verify applicant qualifications
  • Prevent hiring mistakes
  • Save resources on the hiring process
  • Test applicant’s character
  • Gauge the candidate’s knowledge and skills
  • Ensure applicants are fully qualified
  • Avoid negligent hiring liability
  • Validate and confirm past employers, positions held, degrees and certificates earned, major studies, GPA, military service, and professional references

Education verification is an important step in pre-employment background screenings for many employers. Here are some benefits of education verification for employers:

  • Verify that all of your applications are qualified.
  • Preventing risk in hiring mistakes.
  • Save resources on the hiring process.
  • Test of applicant’s character.
  • Gauge the mettle of candidates by analyzing the marks in relevant subjects.
  • Ensure your applicants are fully qualified.
  • Avoid negligent hiring liability.
  • Validate and confirm names and dates of past employers, positions held, degrees and certificates earned, major studies, GPA, military service, and professional references.

Third-party background check providers like AccuSourceHR, VICTIG, Orange Tree Screening, and SimpliVerified offer education verification services that can verify the legitimacy of an applicant’s claimed education history and ensure that the background checks fully comply with the relevant laws and regulations. Education verification services can help employers make sound hiring decisions with verification of past employment from employers, data from educational institutions, and licensing bodies.


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